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Writer's pictureMaddie Kurtz

The Most Common Corrections Judges Give at Competition

Tune in to our Podcast episode on this hot topic. Listen and subscribe now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

You asked and we listened! On this week’s episode of Making the Impact, Courtney and Lesley discuss the most common corrections judges give at competitions. Throughout the episode, they share clips from IDA judges and share their insights on these corrections, which range from technique and performance to movement quality. Below are some of the highlights, but be sure to tune into the full episode to learn even more from the judges themselves!


  • Engage with your audience! Dance is a performing art!

  • Avoid staring down the judges--we aren’t the only ones there!

  • Work on your story telling! Be sure that you know who you are and if you were successful or not within the context of your dance!

Movement Quality
  • Use your full kinesphere--imagine a giant plastic bubble around your body and try to pop the edges!

  • Finish all of your movements--reach further than you thought you could and finish your phrases fully!

  • Don’t be afraid of stillness! In tap, for example, if the phrase ends on seven and you’re supposed to hold on eight, let us hear that count of silence!

  • Explore your dynamics! Don’t be afraid of the middle ground energetically.

  • Take up space!

  • Work on your spinal articulation!

  • Don’t be afraid to drop your weight and use your plié!

  • Use your back to support your port de bras!

  • Don’t forget to articulate through your feet at all times, especially during floorwork!

Perfecting your Pirouettes
  • Find the two-way energy of pressing down and pulling up!

  • Utilize your HIGHEST relevé and HIGHEST passé/retiré!

  • The preparation should match the turn! If your pirouette is parallel, the preparation should be parallel and if your pirouette is turned out, the preparation should be turned out!

Listen to the full episode for more insight and more details from IDA judges across the country! We can’t wait to see you on stage next season but for now, happy training and happy choreography season!

Photo: Diva Dance Competition // Daedalus Media Group


Maddie Kurtz is an IDA staff writer/admin, choreographer, judge, and dance educator. Check out her other articles on the IDA Blog, visit her website, and follow her @maddiekurtz92.


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